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D'Amico Retirement
Guidance* Prosperity * Security
Live Your Best Life in Retirement
Vincent F. D'Amico
RICP® (Retirement Income Certified Professional)
603.818.1837 :
Licensed in NH, MA, ME, VT, MD, SC, FL, WV
When do I take Social Security is a common question asked by people getting ready to retire.
Some say take it early at age 62. Others recommend waiting for your full retirement age, whether it's 66 or 67 and some will tell you to wait to age 70.
There are situations when each of the filing ages may make sense. It's up to you to learn how to optimize your Social Security benefits based on your particular needs to ensure you are not leaving any money on the table.
Social Security services offered:
Help you understand how to optimize your SS benefits
Help you determine your income needs in retirement
Review the Pros and Cons of claiming at different ages
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